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Tooth gems

What is are tooth gems?

1`Tooth gems are small, decorative jewels that are adhered to the surface of the teeth. The application process is non-invasive and involves bonding the gem to the tooth using dental adhesive.  They are temporary with a lifespan of about 6 months and can be removed anytime without damage to the tooth. The entire process is usually quick, often taking less than 30 minutes. There’s no drilling or pain involved, making it a popular choice for those looking to add a little sparkle to their smile.


Pre-care instructions before your tooth gem appointment:

- Brush and floss your teeth. Clean teeth help provide a better surface for the gems to adhere to.

- Consider teeth whitening: If you want to get your teeth whitened, you should do so before getting tooth gems.

- If you have a retainer, bring it to your appointment so we can make sure the gems won't interfere with it. Clear plastic trays, like Invisalign, might not fit properly.


What to expect during your appointment (Appointments run about 20 minutes): 

- Consultation: The appointment will typically start with a brief consultation where you discuss your preferences for the tooth gem. You’ll choose the gem’s shape, size, and color. We will also go over placement of the gem. 

Tooth preparation and Gem Placement: After I clean the surface of your tooth a small amount of dental adhesive will be applied to the tooth, and the gem will be carefully placed on it. I will uses special tools to position the gem precisely to your liking. 

- Curing: Once the gem is in place, a curing light (usually a blue LED light) will be used to harden the adhesive. This process usually takes a few seconds to a minute.

- Final Adjustments and reveal: I will check the gem to ensure it is securely attached and make any necessary adjustments as requested.  

 Aftercare Instructions: This is where you will receive instructions on how to care for your new tooth gem. This typically includes advice on avoiding certain foods and maintaining good oral hygiene to ensure the gem stays in place. The entire process is usually quick, often taking less than a 30 minutes. There’s no drilling or pain involved, making it a popular choice for those looking to add a little sparkle to their smile.


Aftercare instructions:

- Avoid brushing for 24 hours: Brushing too soon can damage the gems and your teeth.

- Eat soft foods for 24 hours: Avoid chewing on the side with the gem while the adhesive is still curing.

- Avoid hard foods and alcohol for 12 hours: You should also try to keep your pH level less acidic while the bond is curing.

**Please note when brushing over the area of the gem be gentle, this will help the gem last longer. 


Colorful Diamond
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