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What is microneedling? 

Microneedling is also known as a collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves using a device with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin. Doing so stimulates healthy collagen and elastin production which can improve the skins texture and firmness.  


Pre-care instructions before your microneedling appointment:

- No tanning or sunburns 2 week prior to appointment

- No waxing 1 week prior to appointment

- No shaving 24 hours before appointment 

- No blood thinners 3 days prior to appointment 

- No Vitamin E, Aspirin, niacin, or ibuprofen 24 hours before appointment 

- No Alcohol or caffeine day of appointment 

- No topical agents (retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, acids, alpha hydroxyl acid AHA, beta hydroxyl acids BHA, exfoliating masks, salicyic acis, hydroquinone, benzoyl peroxide acne products) 5-7 days prior

- No Accutane in the past 6 months

- No botox 4 weeks before appointment 

* Please note you can be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle


What to expect during your appointment (Appointments run about 1 hour): 

- Numbing (30 minutes) I use a high strength professional lidocaine numbing cream that will effectively numb the skin before the procedure.

- Microneedling (15 minutes) This is where i'll use my professional sterile equipment to start the microneedling process. 

- Aftercare (10 minutes) This is where we go over aftercare and the special instructions needed to keep your skin looking and healing the best they can after the microneedling appointment. 

- Schedule your next appointment which will be 4-6 weeks later 


Aftercare instructions:

- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and cold water 4-6 hours after appointment 

- Do not apply makeup for 24 hours 

- Do not go to the gym, pool, sauna for 24 hours 

- Do not rub, or pick any healing scabbing 

- Try to not sleep on your face while healing 

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